As for me the lady is not very pleased with this kind of sex! The expression on her face never showed that she liked it. I think she would have enjoyed it more if she had served the men one at a time. And the two of them just bore her. Did the lady enjoy herself? I don't think she did.
The main thing for girls is to feel that they are valued, to hear the words that are pleasant to their heart and not to rush. She will still say Yes, only it will be her choice. So the stranger acted completely professionally - for that he got the award. And she's a great nipple.
Asian women all get fucked for money. Husband or no husband, it doesn't matter. They say if a woman is chosen by tourists for this, it means she brings happiness to the family. Fucking breadwinners! So they can stab them openly, and the husband will sit in the hallway - waiting for her to earn. And of course, just like our chicks, African dick is a thrill. It's almost like intercourse with an alien - Welcome to Earth, friends!